SENG 310 Spring 2005

Human Computer Interaction

Taught by:  George Tzanetakis

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I have found the following articles and books interesting and useful in preparing for teaching SENG 310. I hope you enjoy reading them and that they inspire you to appreciate the beauties and complexities of HCI. I have added some personal notes in italics. Please feel free to email me ( any comments/additions you have.

Online Articles:
  1. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology" by Brad Myers  -
  2. "As we may think" Vannevar Bush, July 1945 Atlantic Monthly -
  3. Anthromorphism panel - CHI 92 - pdf
  4. Direct Manipulation vs Interface Agents - Interactions December 1997 - pdf
  5. Debate between the "father" of direct manipulation and the "mother" of interface agents
  6. Personal Dynamic Media, Alan Kay, Computer 10(3), 1977 - pdf
  7. Bottles: A Transparent Interface as a tribute to Mark Weiser, Hiroshi Ishii IEICE Transactions Inf. and Syst. Vol. E87-D, Number 6, June 2004, 1299-1311 - pdf
  8. Guerilla HCI: Using discount usability engineering to penetrate the intimidation barrier, Jacob Nielsen - html
  9. The Making of the Palm Pilot - Reflections on a Minimal Information Appliance, Hartmut Obendorf , CHI 2005 - pdf
  10. Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools - Brad Myers, Scott E. Hudson, and Randy Pausch, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7(1), 3-28, 2000 - pdf
  11. AskTog - 10 most wanted bugs
  12. AskTog -  A quiz designed to give you Fitts
  13. Musescape: an interactive content-aware music browser - G. Tzanetakis, Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), 2003 - pdf

Required textbooks:
  • Interaction Design- beyond human-computer interaction
    - J.Preece, Y.Rogers and H.Sharp, Wiley & Sons, 2002
  • The design of everyday things - D. Norman, Basic Books, 1988
Recommended readings for students who are more deeply interested in HCI:
  • The inmates are running the alylum - Why high-tech products drive us crazy and how to restore the sanity - A. Cooper, SAMS, 1999
    (A lively and entertaining book on the importance of interaction design and the problems resulting from programmers trying to do design by the famous "father" of Visual Basic - Alan Cooper)
  • Designing the User Intreface - Strategies for effective human-computer interaction - B. Shneiderman, Addison Wesley; 3rd edition ,July 15, 1997
    (Everything you wanted to know about HCI is in this great resource. If you want a complete overview of HCI with tons of references this is the book for you. Ben Shneiderman is professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland and has been one of the major figures in HCI research)
Interesting readings with direct and indirect connections to HCI
  • Snow Crash - N. Stephenson, Bantam Spectra                                                        
    (It's hard to describe this book but it definitely has some really well-written descriptions of interesting HCI and virtual reality ideas)
  • Diamond Age - N. Stephenson, Bantam Spectra
    (A fascinating variety of predictions, interesting ideas for the near future with a lot of HCI connections - highly recommended)
  • The psychology of Human Computer Interaction - S.Card, T. Moran, A. Newell, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1983
    (This book written in 1983 describes many of the ideas about the relation of cognitive psychology and HCI expored in Xerox Parc Alto Research Center in the 1970s with emphasis on text editing. Even though a lot of the examples are outdated and the writing style is kind of old-fashioned it is quite fascinating to read even today)