Frank Ruskey's Homepage


Hello, and welcome to my home page which, of course, is perpetually under construction. This is one of the few home pages that's actually been around since 1995; please excuse its dated appearance. Below you will find, among other things, some of my papers, some websites I built, some chapters from the book I'm writing, some information on generating combinatorial objects, and some of my favorite WWW sites. Enjoy!
Question: My mathematical friends tell me I'm a computer scientist; my computer scientist friends tell me I'm a mathematician. What am I?
Answer: A computational combinatorist? Below are some publications; you decide.

There's much chaos in what follows, but also some beauty!

Image by Jennifer Ruskey, Age 9

Selected Publications

Many of my more recent publications are online and can be downloaded.

Get Your Free Objects Here

The Combinatorial Object Server allows you to obtain lists of combinatorial objects, including various types of permutations and combinations, set and numerical partitions, linear extensions and ideals of posets, trees, solutions to pentomino puzzles, and so on.

Venn Diagrams

Venn diagrams are not entirely trivial. I produced an entire website about them, and the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics published it! Those two pretty circular designs at the top of the page are, in fact, newly discovered Venn diagrams. Latest version is here. The official ElJC version is here.

Cayley Graphs

Cayley graphs are of great interest to graph theorists and to discrete mathematicians in general. Together with my student Scott Effler, we have started to catalog small (if you consider 9! small) cubic Cayley graphs according to Hamiltonicity, diameter, and smallest odd cycle. The link is

Recent and upcoming conferences with which I'm associated (other than just giving a contributed talk)

SIAM DM 2002 logo

My courses during academic year 2004-2005

My courses during academic year 2003-2004

My courses during academic year 2002-2003

My Courses Academic Year 2001-2002

Also available are links to my old courses.

[Picture of F. Ruskey]

Frank Ruskey
Department of Computer Science
University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P6
my email gif

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