CS330 Spring 2004 Lecture 1

George Tzanetakis


Slides in pdf format

Reading material 

Louden Chapters 1,2,3

Suggested exercises and supporting web resources 

1) Choose a simple program and implement it in as many programming languages
as you can
2) Write a function power(x,k) that computes the result of multiplying x by itself k times
in an imperative, functional and object-oriented programming language
(use the gcd algorithm as template)
3) Exercise 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 in Louden
4) Exercise 1.28
5) Exercise 2.8  (google for the languages)
6) Exercise 3.5, 3.11, 3.12, 3.20

Some Web resources 

The history of computing project
History of FORTRAN
The language guide