Inputs used for testing programs for assignment #1

Click here to get the input files I used when checking your assignment #1. ( This directory also includes sample outputs.

These 12 input files were for testing the graph checking:

  1. i0loop
  2. i1mult
  3. i2digraph
  4. i3big
  5. i4neg
  6. i5nmax
  7. i6small
  8. i7stop
  9. i8_K100
  10. i9_incomplete
  11. i10_deg_neg
  12. i11_deg_big

These 8 input files were used for testing dominating set checking:

  1. id0_ok
  2. id1_too_big
  3. id2_too_small
  4. id3_value_too_small
  5. id4_value_too_big
  6. id5_not_dom
  7. id6_incomplete
  8. id7_continue

Here are the command files I used to run the programs:

  1. test_graph0
  2. test_graph1
  3. test_dom0
  4. test_dom1

I type for example:

source test_graph0

The sample outputs are:

  1. dom0_comments.txt
  2. dom1_comments.txt
  3. graph0_comments.txt
  4. graph1_comments.txt