CSC 320 Summer 2017: Assignment #1

The assignment description: Assignment 1 (click here) due at the beginning of class on Friday May 19.

For credit for the programming portion of question 3, you may upload only one file. It should be called gen.c if you program it in C or if you program it using java. Make sure the version you upload does not print the strings generated, it should only print the counts.

If you would like to do the Hamilton Path/Cycle exercise in C you will need these files (right click on them and use "save as" to save them on your machine):

  1. main.c
  2. ham.c
  3. new_ham.c
  4. in.txt
The ONLY file you should upload to connex for credit for this problem is the file new_ham.c. If you make changes to any of the other files or you change the function headers in new_ham.c there is a danger that your code will not work in our automated testing set up.

If you would like to do the Hamilton Path/Cycle exercise in Java you will need these files (right click on them and use "save as" to save them on your machine):

  5. in.txt

The ONLY file you should upload to connex for credit for this problem is the file If you make changes to any of the other files or you change the method headers in there is a danger that your code will not work in our automated testing set up.

CSC 320 Assignments / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / / revised May 2, 2017