CSC 320: Summer 2017
Assignment #4, Due at beginning of class, Friday July. 14, 2017

Instructions for all assignments: Draw boxes for your marks on the top of the first page of your submission. Place a 0 in the corresponding box for any questions you omit. For this assignment:
Question12345 6 7 8 9 10
Marks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Questions should be in order. Show your work unless otherwise stated. Please put your name on your assignment.

The purpose of the first question is for you to experience the strange situation of a program taking itself as its own input (self-reference).

  1. (a) [5] Write a program either in C or JAVA. The program should read from the standard input and write to standard output. It should count the number of times that a lower case letter a occurs in the input.
    If the number of occurrences is prime, the program should print
    YES- The number of a's is X which is prime.
    where X is replaced by your count of the number of a's.
    If the number of occurrences is composite, the program should print
    NO- The number of a's is X which is divisible by Y.
    where X is replaced by your count of the number of a's, and Y is a divisor of X (1 < Y < X).
    (b) [5] Test your program using the program itself as input and hand in both your program listing and the output that it gives. Use a pen to highlight all the a's in your program so that your output can be more easily checked. To run the program on itself on a unix type of system:
    With a C program count.c:
    gcc count.c
    a.out < count.c > out
    A java program:
    java Count < > out
    You can also use the < to get input from a file instead of standard input and > to put the output to a file instead of standard output using a PC. Please ask for help if you do not know how to do it.

  2. Consider the following rightmost derivation:
    S => T B C => T B S C => T B S b => T B a b b => T a B d a b b =>
    T a d a b b => A a d a b b => T a d a b b => c c a d a b b
    (a) [4] Draw the parse tree that corresponds to this derivation.
    (b) [3] Use your parse tree from (a) to find a leftmost derivation.
    (c) [3] Determine all possible viable choices for u, v, x, y, z as per the pumping theorem.

  3. Consider the following context-free grammar: G=({S}, {a,b}, A, S) where the rules in A are:

    1. S -> e
    2. S-> a S a
    3. S-> a S b
    4. S-> b S a
    5. S-> a a S a a
    6. S-> a a S b b

    (a) [2] List the strings of length at most 6 generated by this grammar.
    (b) [2] Give a formula for the number of strings of length equal to n=2k
    generated by this grammar.
    (c) [6] Prove your formula is correct by induction. For full marks, your proof must talk about the grammar and what happens during the generation of a string. You must indicate where you apply the induction hypothesis. A stream of strictly algebra will get you zero marks.

  4. Design PDA's that accept these languages. Make sure to include lots of comments explaining what your PDA's are doing.
    (a) [5] L= { w in {a, b, c}* : w either has the same number of a's and b's or w has twice as many c's as a's (or satisfies both)}
    (b) [5] L= { w in {0, 1}* : w = u u R v vR 1k : k >= 2}

  5. [10] Our definition of a regular expression over the alphabet {0, 1} is that

    [Basis] ϕ, 0, and 1 are regular expressions.
    [Inductive step] If α and β are regular expressions then so are
    (i) (α ∪ β )
    (ii) (α β ) and
    (iii) α *
    Let L be the language consisting of all strings over the alphabet {0, 1, (, ), ∪, *, ϕ}. that represent regular expressions over the alphabet {0, 1}. Starting with a context-free grammar for generating L, construct a PDA that accepts L that mimics derivations in the grammar.

    Important: use the definition for a regular expression instead of considering regular expressions that have the ) and ( symbols omitted when not needed for precedence.

  6. An empty-stack PDA accepts a string w if there exists some computation that starts in the start state, applies legal transitions at each step and terminates in a final state with all the input consumed, and an empty stack.
    For an empty-stack PDA M=(K, Σ , Γ , Δ , s, F)
    L(M) = {w in Σ * : (s, w, e) yields in 0 or more steps (f, e, e) for some f in F}.
    This is our standard model of a PDA.
    A stack-oblivious PDA accepts a string w if there exists some computation that starts in the start state, applies legal transitions at each step and terminates in a final state with all the input consumed, and it does not matter if there is still something in the stack or not.
    For a stack-oblivious PDA M=(K, Σ , Γ , Δ, s, F)
    L(M) = {w in Σ * : (s, w, e) yields in 0 or more steps (f, e, u) for some f in F and u in Γ *}.
    Consider the following PDA M:
    Start state: p
    Final states: {q}
    State Read Pop Next State Push
    p a e p 1
    p a e p 2
    p e e q e
    q b 1 q e
    q b 2 q 1

    (a) [2] If M is an empty-stack PDA, what language does it accept?
    (b) [2] If M is a stack-oblivious PDA, what language does it accept?
    (c) [4] Describe a construction that will convert an arbitrary stack-oblivious PDA M=(K, Σ , Γ , Δ, s, F) to an empty-stack PDA M' =(K', Σ ', Γ', Δ', s', F') such that both PDA's accept the same language.
    (d) [2] Apply your construction from (c) to the stack-oblivious PDA M from (b) to create an equivalent empty-stack PDA M'.

  7. The goal of this question is to prove that context-free languages are not closed under intersection. Consider the following two languages that are context-free:
    L1= { ap bq ar where p, q, r >= 0 and p <= q <= 3 * p}
    L2= { ap bq ar where p, q, r > 0 and r > p}
    (a) [1] Describe the language L= L1 intersect L2.
    (b) [8] Prove that L is not context-free using the pumping theorem.
    (c) [1] What does this tell you about closure of context-free languages under intersection (explain fully)?
    For parts (c) and (d) for the next three questions, hand in the output from the TM simulator (run it using java TM not java JTM to get printable output). In order to make question 8 easier to do, make sure you use different names for your states for questions 6 and 7 to facilitate combining them for question 8. Also, follow the functional specifications for the TM's exactly.

  8. Design a TM M1 which on an input w in {a, b}*, halts with the configuration (h, # w # Y [#]) when w is in L1 = a*b*a* and it halts instead with the configuration (h, # w # N [#]) when w is not in L1 That is, the TM M1 preserves its input and indicates language membership by writing Y or N to the right of the input.
    (a) [2] Give pseudo code for the algorithm you will implement.
    (b) [2] Draw a machine schema for your algorithm.
    (c) [3] Give explicit TM instructions which implement your algorithm (with lots of comments).
    (d) [3] Test it on several examples.

  9. Design a TM M2 which given an input w in {a, b}* decides if w is in L2= {w in {a, b}* : w has the same number of a's, and b's}. That is, on an input w in {a, b}*, the TM starts with a configuration (s, # w [#]) and it halts with (h, # Y [#]) when w is in L2 and halts with (h, # N [#]) when w is not in L2.
    (a) [2] Give pseudo code for the algorithm you will implement.
    (b) [2] Draw a machine schema for your algorithm.
    (c) [3] Give explicit TM instructions which implement your algorithm (with lots of comments).
    (d) [3] Test it on several examples.

  10. Combine your TM's from Questions 3 and 4 to create a TM M3 which decides the language {ar bn a n-r: n >= r}. Note: you'll also need some code to clean up the tape for the inputs which are not of the form a*b*a*.
    (a) [2] Give pseudo code for the algorithm you will implement. You don't need to restate the details of your algorithms from the two previous questions, just refer to them as black boxes (code that meets the functional specifications of the previous questions without considering any implementation details).
    (b) [2] Draw a machine schema for your algorithm. Use M1 and M2 from questions 3 and 4 in your machine schema.
    (c) [3] Give explicit TM instructions which implement your algorithm (with lots of comments).
    (d) [3] Test it on several examples.