SMLNJ instructions

We will be using the SMLNJ compiler of SML. All the machines in
the B215 lab have sml installed which you can run by typing sml
on your shell prompt. When sml is running you can either type
directly into the system or by typing
use "myfile.sml";
you can import your sml code written with any text editor to the interactive

B215 hosts are:
I-acorn I-bath I-brackman I-breakwater
I-brethour I-chads  I-charles I-coal   
I-curlew I-dayman I-deadman
I-domville I-fernie I-forrest
I-georgeson I-goat I-gooch
I-goudge I-hall I-jackscrew
I-james I-ker I-knapp
I-kuper I-mandarte I-morseby
I-mudge I-norway I-parker
I-piers I-portland I-prevost
I-pylades I-pym I-reid
I-round I-russell I-ruxton

You can use ssh to access these machines remotely.
For example:
ssh -lgtzan

In order to install smlnj on your own computers
(Windows, Linux, or OS X) go
to the smlnj website:

and follow the instructions. If you have any problems
send me an email.

New sml-mode howto
1) Download sml-mode-3.9.5.tar
2) In your home directory run:
> tar -xvf sml-mode-3.9.5.tar
> cd sml-mode-3.9.5.tar
> make
3) Edit your .emacs file to add sml-mode
or if you don't have one you can use
this one as a prototype .emacs

4) In the .emacs file change the lines that have
/home/gtzan to /home/username.

Old sml-mode information
For installing sml-mode in emacs go to:
sml-mode for emacs

you will need to fetch the package (zip or tar.gz)
and follow the instructions for installation.