CS330 Spring 2004 Lecture 9

George Tzanetakis


This lecture will not contain any slides as it consists mainly of
programming examples in sml.

SML code

Code in text format

Suggested exercises

9.1) Using Int.toString and map write a function that converts a list
of integers to a list of corresponding strings.

9.2) Declare a function sum(p, xs) where p is a predicate of type int->bool and
xs is a list of integers. The value of sum(p, xs) is the sum of the elements
in xs satisfying the predicate p. Use foldr or foldl.

A  roommate service has a file (which you will model as a list of records) containing
name, telephone number, email, year of birth and themes of interest for each client. You may
make a request to the bureau stating  your year of birth and themes of interest
and get a responce listing all matching clients, i.e clients with a deviation in age less than 10 yrs
and with at least one common theme of interest. The problem is to contruct a program
for generating the responces from the roommate service given your request. Use higher-order
functions for the solution to this exercise.