Assignment 4. CS330 Programming Languages, Spring 2004 



A random 25% of students will be orally interviewed by me in person
regarding their submission. Make sure you have written everything you
submit. For any function you are trying to write, you can request
what is the desired output for a particular input by email.

Late assignment policy:  If the assignment is submitted
within three days from when it was due, you will get half the grade you
would get if you had submitted on time. You will not be able
to submit after three days. (exceptions to this rule only
if you have a VERY important reason).

You will be working in groups of two for this assignment. I understand
that in some cases one student will do more work than their partner.
If that's the case make sure both partners understand well all the code
written. Either of you might be orally interviewed and failure to understand the code will
result in lower grade for both of you. Learning to work with other programmers
of various skill leves is essential and it can be unfair but that's life. Try
to make this a learning experience for both of you. For this assignment
you can choose your partner. Please email me ASAP your choice
of partner.

IMPORTANT: The careful design and documentation (i.e comments) of
your code will be important factors in your grade. If there is a bug
it's better to report it than hide it. Be honest, precise and clear and
you shall be rewarded. NEVER (at least in this class) sacrifice
clarity for efficiency of execution.

(10% of final grade - 10 points)

A multi-user game engine (mugEngine)

In this assignment you will be building a game engine that can
be used to create simple multiplayer text adventure games. The basic
goal is to learn how object oriented programming and C++ can
help you in managing global and local state. Inheritance and container
classes from the STL (Standard Template Libaries) will assist you
in this process.

You will be given code for the server/client communication which you
will need to extend to handle the game management. The type of games
you can create using this engine have the typical structure of
adventure games. There are multiple players (one for each client)
that can move around in a world consisting of rooms/locations.
Various items can be found in each mapsite and players can
pick/drop/examine these items. Each item has an attached value.
You can also talk with other players in the game.

For this assignment you are only required to support movement
between map sites and picking/dropping of items. Various minor details :-)
such as monsters/magic spells/AI controlled players/trading/fighting, graphics 2d or 3d
and a purpose/goal for the game can be added for fun but are not required.

On the other hand, an interesting aspect of the game engine is
that you can create new mapsites, new connections between them
and new items while the game is running (only one player called
Builder is allowed to do so).

Here is a sample possible interaction of a client with the game:

> player George
Welcome to the reception hall...
You can see:
A basketball
Available exits:
Your name is  George 
> pick basketball
Welcome to the reception hall...
You can see:
Available exits:
Picked  basketball
> examine George
Welcome to the reception hall...
You can see:

Available exits:
Player  George is carrying:
A basketball : 20 
> north
You can see:
Available exits:
> drop basketball

You can see:
A basketball
Available exits:
Dropped  basketball
> examine basketball
You can see:
A basketball
Available exits:
Leather basketball: 20

You will also be provided with an executable version of my implementation of the mugEngine
which you can use for reference. As usual there might be errors/problems here and there
with my implementation as I wrote it quickly during this weekend. I am sure you will
find them and let me know :-).

Supported Commands

Words in italics are specified by the user. For example playerName can be George or Tiffany.

After any player command is executed the current map site is described together with all the players/items in it as
well as the response for the particular command.

The special player named Builder has the additional ability to create new rooms/items using the following commands:

Here are simple commands to add four neighbors to room 0:

room NorthRoom (returns 1)
connect north 0 1
connect south 1 0
room SouthRoom (returns 2)
connect south 0 2
connect north 2 0
etc ...


You are absolutely free to structure the program any way you want. Here are some suggestions
you might find helpful. Create a base class GameObject from which Items/Players inherit
common functionality and use dynamic binding (virtual functions) for the functions
that are specific to each type. Use map<string, GameObject *, less<string> > to
create "dictionaries" of items/players/posistions. Create a class MapSite that
contains a dictionary of neighbors (pointer to MapSites) and a dictionary of
GameObjects. For objects such as MapSites and Items that can not be removed
from a game you can also use the vector or list containers of the Standard Template
Library. Use a map<int, string, less<int> > as a dictionary to associates clients with particular players. 
For parsing/printing you will find helpful to use the sstream library for using string like streams.
To include use include<sstream> using namespace std; and use as follows:

ostringstream oss;
oss << "Hello" << x << endl;
string res = oss.str();

istringstream iss;
iss.str("Hello 5"); 
string s;
int      v;
iss >> s >> v;

Loading/Saving games

By default the server loads the game stored in file init.txt
and writes  the current game to file game.txt. You can
change these names by supplying command line arguments
to the server. For exampel: 

mugServer initGame.txt saveGame.txt

That you can create interesting mazes etc and store them as
text files. Notice that the files store the sequence of commands
used to generate the game rather than the game data in some format.

Supporting code

You are going to be provided with skeleton code for a a server, client
program written in C++. The following files will be provided:

init.txt         (a simple saved game you can use for starters)
mugServerReference (a working executable version used a a reference implementation)

The reference code has been compiled for Solaris and runs fine
on the machines in B215. If you want to use windows you will have
to write your own socket code and your submission must compile
in a B215 machine.


init.txt contains a small initial game setup and you need to
type make to compile the skeleton implementation. To understand how
the program works start the reference server by:


and in another shell window start a client and play with :


then start
./mugServer which is the skeleton code you compiled and
only prints the messages. You will need to extend the code
so that mugServer behaves as mugServerReference.


A game engine that supports the basic commands player and builder commands mentioned above.
The executable implementation can serve as a guide. Please follow the conventions strictly as
I might be doing automatic testing on this assignment. IMPORTANT: THE ONLY SIZE ASSUMPTION
BE FIXED AND CAN BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNING. Any program that makes any such assumption will loose 2 points.

Grading method:

movement commands        :  3 points
pick/drop/examine objects :  3 points
builder commands             :  3 points
comments/documentation  :  1 point

Extra credit 

In the late 70s early 80s a group of MIT students created a company called Infocom
and made some really cool text adventure games. The games were written
in an interpreted language called Z-code. There are a number of Z-code interpreter
available on the web. Write code for taking an existing z-code game and
creating a multi-user game out of it using your mugEngine. At minimum
you have to be able to support the same-sites and movement between them
as the z-code game and you also might need to extend the functionality of mugEngine
to support other features.

This extra credit is open ended. Any group who wants to participate
will implement a full game based on extending the mugEngine.
The two best games will win the 3 extra points. Best will be defined
by voting between all participating groups (voting your own group
is not allowed). If only two groups participate they get 3pts for free.