• Can I use GLUT

    No, you should be using Qt and OpenGL. However, it is possible to if you use GLUT and Qt Designer.
    You need to link to it: go to project settings ->prefrences->c++ and in the libs box type -lglut (you need the '-').

  • Where does paintGL() get called from?

    paintGL() is called automatically from Qt; it is called whenever the OpenGL widget needs to be updated.

    Other Qt/OpenGL functions that are called automatically include:

    • resizeGL() is called automatically from Qt whenever the OpenGL widget has been resized and when it is shown for the first time (a newly created widget has an automatic resize event.
    • initialiseGL()is called only once; before the first resizeGL() or paintGL() is called.
  • Can you do it for me?

  • No, there is some amount of effort and study required for this course.

Page last modified on September 13th, 2004 by pj

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